Membership fee for Guides and Scouts
With the price of the yearly membership fee you have the right to join the activities organized by your local group, the district organization and the Guides and Scouts of Finland.
- The regular membership fee is 63,50 €.
- If there is more than one member in the same family, other members aged 7 to 17 have a lower membership fee of 53,50 €.
- To children from 4 to 6 the membership fee is 12,25 €.
- To children from 0 to 3 there is no membership fee.
If you join during the fall, the membership fee covers your membership for the rest of year and the next year as well!
In addition, some local groups may set their own membership fee, which is added to the regular fee and billed together.
Exploring Scouting
If you are not a member but are interested in attending our events or local meetings, you are very welcome to do so! You can attend three meetings/camps/events before deciding whether you want to join the guides and scouts.
Exemption from the membership fee
A member can be freed from membership fee because of financial, social or health-related reasons. The purpose of the exemption of membership fee is to ensure that children and young people from families of limited means also are able to join the Scouts. You can apply for an exemption of membership fee at any time before the due date of the membership invoice. An exemption of membership fee is granted by the Scout District.
An exemption of membership fee can be applied by the member or the guardian when the member is under 18 years of age. To apply for an exemption, please use a district-specific link below. To apply for an exemption, you need a user ID (PartioID) for the Scout register Kuksa. You need to make a separate application for each member!
For assistance for applying contact the member service of the Scouts.
What is included?
The membership fee includes membership of your local group, the Guides and Scouts District of Uusimaa and The Guides and Scouts of Finland. It includes:
- scouting activities and weekly meetings
- secondary accident and luggage insurance
- member magazine
- 10 % discount in Scandinavian Outdoor Stores in Finland
Kuva: Bea-Lina Holmberg