We train our volunteers for their Scout leader positions! At the moment most of our trainings can only be attended in Finnish, but we are working on translating them to English and making them accessible to everyone interested.
Starting level
- Welcome to Scouting (Tervetuloa partioon) is one of the first steps of getting to know the hobby. The two-hour training is arranged by local scout groups or you can do it online in English independently. Complete the online course!
- The Safely Together Training (Turvallisesti yhdessä) is mandatory for all Scouts over 18 and for group leaders younger than 18. It is intended for all Scout leaders to ensure a safe growth environment for all children and youth in Scouting. It can be completed online independently also in English, and takes approximately 1 hour. The training needs to be completed again every five years. Complete the online course!
Basic level
These courses have not yet been translated to English. If you are interested in them, please contact the course leader or the district office!
- The Basic Training for Scout Leaders (Partiojohtajaperuskoulutus) is an approximately 4 to 6 month training for Scouts over 18. It includes arranging a leadership practice event in your own local scout group. The course usually consists of two weekends or tailored training (30 hours of lessons).
- The Cub Scout and Adventurer Scout Leader Training (Akela-sampokoulutus) is for leaders of Cub Scout groups (7-9-year-olds) or Adventurer Scout groups (10-12-year-olds). The duration of the course is a weekend or 3 months in tailored training (15 hours of lessons).
- The Family Scouting Leader Training (Perhepartio-ohjaajakoulutus) is for those arranging or taking part in Family Scouting (Family Scouting is for children under seven and their parents). The training has approximately 3 hours of lessons.
Advanced level
For these courses we require having completed the Basic Training for Scout Leaders. These courses have not yet been translated to English. If you are interested in them, please contact the course leader or the district office!
- The Adult Support Training (Luotsikoulutus) is for anyone acting as Adult Support (luotsi) for Tracker Scouts, Explorer Scouts or Rover Scouts. This is a one-day or a tailored training (9 hours of lessons).
- The Programme Leader Training (ohjelmajohtajakoulutus), Volunteer Leader Training (pestijohtajakoulutus) and Local Group Leader Training (lippukunnanjohtajakoulutus) teach how to run a local Scout group. These courses usually last a weekend and they each consist of 16 to 18 hours of lessons.
- The Advanced Training for Scout Leaders known asTrefoil-Gilwell training (Woodbadge) is for Scout leaders aiming to make a difference and advance Scouting in larger scale as well as grow as leaders personally. It includes one's own development project. The average duration of the course is a year.
- The Scout Trainer Training is for volunteer trainers.
Skills trainings
We also offer various skills trainings, such as camping, winter camping, camp cooking and camp catering trainings. See the trainings in our event calendar and contact the course leaders to see if the course can be attended in English!